田中 泯
1945年生まれ、東京都出身。74年に活動を開始し、78年にルーブル美術館において海外デビュー。02年の『たそがれ清兵衛』でスクリーンデビュー、同作で第26回日本アカデミー賞新人俳優賞、最優秀助演男優賞を受賞。ほか、主な映画出演作は『隠し剣鬼の爪』(04)、『メゾン・ド・ヒミコ』(05)、『八日目の蝉』(11)、『外事警察 その男に騙されるな』(12)、米映画『47RONIN』『永遠の0』(13)、『るろうに剣心 京都大火編 / 伝説の最期編』(14)、『無限の住人』『DESTINY 鎌倉ものがたり』(17)、Netflix映画『アウトサイダー』『羊の木』『人魚の眠る家』(18)、『アルキメデスの大戦』(19)、韓国映画『サバハ』(19・未)。近作に『峠 最後のサムライ』(20)。
阿部 寛
1982年生まれ、主な映画出演作に東京都出身。『アヒルと鴨のコインロッカー』(07)、『ディア・ドクター』『余命1ヶ月の花嫁』(09)、『まほろ駅前多田便利軒』シリーズ(11・14)、『ワイルド7』『一命』(11)、『僕達急行 A列車で行こう』(12)、『64-ロクヨン-前編/後編』(16)、『ミックス。』『リングサイド・ストーリー』『光』(17)、『友罪』(18)、『闇の歯車』(19)『太陽の家』(20)など。
玉木 宏
1980年生まれ、愛知県出身。01年公開の『ウォーターボーイズ』で注目を集め、06年放送の人気ドラマの劇場版『のだめカンタービレ』シリーズ(09・10)で人気を博す。主な主演作に『ただ、君を愛してる』(06)、『真夏のオリオン』『MW-ムウ-』(09)、『幕末高校生』(14)、『探偵ミタライの事件簿 星籠の海』(16)、『悪と仮面のルール』(18)など。
1980年生まれ、大阪府出身。主な出演作に『一命』(11)、『るろうに剣心』シリーズ(12・14)、『雨にゆれる女』(16)、『モリのいる場所』『来る』(18) 『サムライマラソン』(19)など。『るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final』が7月3日(金)公開予定。
Why did he continue painting?
It was in the Edo period. At the time the shogunate took freedom away from artists, there was one painter who stuck to his ways and kept painting single-mindedly. His name was Katsushika Hokusai, the genius painter who created “the wave” that everyone knows.
Hokusai inspired renowned impressionist artists such as Van Gogh and Monet and continued to have an influence in all genres including crafts, sculpture, music, architecture, fashion, and design all over the world, even till today. However, few documents related to Hokusai’s youth remained, leaving his life full of mystery. This original story was born out of thorough research of historical documents and connecting together facts left in them. It even depicts Hokusai’s youthful days, which had almost never been talked about before.
Co-stars Yuya Yagira, who became the youngest winner of the Best Actor award at the Cannes Film Festival with Nobody Knows, and Min Tanaka, who is known as an international dancer, play the young and old Hokusai respectively. Hiroshi Abe plays Tsutaya Juzaburo, the publisher who discovers Hokusai. Eita Nagayama plays Ryutei Tanehiko, an author of gesaku popular fiction, who had the biggest impact on Hokusai in his late years. Hiroshi Tamaki plays Kitagawa Utamaro, the master of ukiyo-e woodblock prints of beautiful women called bijin-ga, who preceded Hokusai. The chaotic life of Hokusai resonated with the star-studded cast, drawing them together for this film!
Hokusai experienced glory and setback during his frantic painter’s life. What had motivated him to continue painting since his young days until his life force spent itself at the age of ninety? The life of one painter, who devoted his life to his ideals, is revealed for the first time after 170 years.
Hokusai never gave up and continued painting no matter what. What did he find in the end?
Hokusai is a skilled painter, but he can barely make ends meet or even afford to eat. One day, a popular ukiyo-e producer, Tsutaya Juzaburo, discovers him. However, Hokusai, who is unable to capture the essence of painting, cannot gain recognition from Juzaburo. He is even completely beaten down by his rivals, Utamaro and Sharaku, who are ahead of the game. “Why am I painting? What do I want to express?” He struggles, finds himself at the border between life and death, and discovers what makes him who he is in the midst of the splendor of nature. With the support of Juzaburo, Hokusai finally obtains his one and only originality.
One day, fate guided Hokusai to meet Ryutei Tanehiko, an author of gesaku popular fiction. He felt a connection with Tanehiko, a samurai who continues to produce banned popular fiction, and the two become great partners over time. One day after becoming seventy years old, Hokusai collapses with a stroke. His life was saved, but numbness remained in his essential right hand. Even then, Hokusai does not stop, goes traveling, and completes his Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. However, the news of Tanehiko’s disposal by the shogunate shocks Hokusai, making him shaken with anger for the death of his friend who had devoted his life to his ideals until the end. Even so, he takes his brush, saying “I will paint because it’s a horrible day,” and continues to paint single-mindedly for the rest of his life. What precious things did he find at the end of his life of constant painting?